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Download Chapter 1: Introduction (2.2 MB)
Download Chapter 2: Remains of the Second Temple Period (Stratum XIII) (3.9 MB)
Download Chapter 3: The Eastern Cardo in the Roman and Byzantine Periods (Strata XII–X) (18.6 MB)
Download Chapter 4: Architectural Decoration of the Eastern Cardo (1.5 MB)
Download Chapter 5: Board Games from the Eastern Cardo (1.7 MB)
Download Chapter 6: Coins of the Hellenistic to Byzantine Periods (980 KB)
Download Chapter 7: The Cardo in Urban Context (263 KB)
Download References (243 KB)
Download Appendix 1: Bedrock Geology and Building Stones in the Western Wall Plaza Excavations and the Jerusalem Area (3.8 MB)
Download Appendix 2: List of Loci and Walls (584 KB)
This is the first volume in a series describing the results of salvage excavations conducted in the northwestern part of the Western Wall Plaza. Despite the fact that the Old City of Jerusalem has been continuously investigated during the last 150 years, it is the first time that this area, located c. 100 m west of the Temple Mount, has been excavated and thus, the results are of great significance. This volume describes our excavations that descended to bedrock, exposing 15 strata that span 2700–2800 years, from the Late Iron Age quarries to the Roman and Byzantine Eastern Cardo, its architecture and finds.
Publication Date
Israel Antiquities Authority
Roman cardo, Byzantine cardo, Second Temple period, board games, Roman architecture
Historic Preservation and Conservation | History of Art, Architecture, and Archaeology | Life Sciences | Religion | Social and Behavioral Sciences
Recommended Citation
Weksler-Bdolah, Shlomit and Onn, Alexander, "Jerusalem: Western Wall Plaza Excavations Volume I The Roman and Byzantine Remains: Architecture and Stratigraphy" (2019). IAA Reports—Monograph Series of the Israel Antiquities Authority. 12.

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Historic Preservation and Conservation Commons, History of Art, Architecture, and Archaeology Commons, Life Sciences Commons, Religion Commons, Social and Behavioral Sciences Commons