
Amir Golani



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Download Chapter 1: The Pottery and Assemlage (4.9 MB)

Download Appendix 1.1: Ceramic Type Frequencies According to Area and Stratum (330 KB)

Download Chapter 2: Petrographic Analysis of Selected Vessels (295 KB)

Download Chapter 3: The Flint Assemblage (3.6 MB)

Download Chapter 4: The Grounstone Assemblage (1.7 MB)

Download Chapter 5: The Metal Objects (889 KB)

Download Chapter 6: The Bone Industry (1.3 MB)

Download Chapter 7: Small Ceramic Finds and Beads (409 KB)

Download Chapter 8: Human Skeletal Remains and Mortuary Practices (593 KB)

Download Chapter 9: The Faunal Remains (1015 KB)

Download Appendix 9.1: Databases for Faunal Assemblages (2.9 MB)

Download Chapter 10: The Fish Remains (749 KB)

Download Chapter 11: The Mollusks (682 KB)

Download Appendix 11.1: Production Methods of Worked Shells (86 KB)

Download Chapter 12: The Archaeobotonical Remains (573 KB)

Download Chapter 13: The Site in Context: Summary and Conclusions (335 KB)

Download Appendix 1: Locus and Wall Lists by Area (1.6 MB)


Ashqelon Barne'a the Early Bronze Age Site, Volume II, the Finds (IAA reports 70), is the second of two volumes comprising the complete and final report of the three excavation seasons at the Early Bronze Age I site of Ashqelon Barne‘a that took place in 2004 and 2005. Volume I (IAA Reports 65) includes an introduction to the excavations, the geographical and geomorphological setting, the stratigraphy, architecture and settlement planning, radiocarbon (14C) dating and an appendix concerning Byzantine remains. Volume II , the finds, is comprised of thirteen chapters and includes a full presentation of the ceramic assemblage, its petrographic analysis, the flint and groundstone assemblages, the metal objects, the bone tool industry, small finds of ceramic and stone, human skeletal remains and mortuary practices, the faunal, fish, mollusc and archaeobotanical remains as well as a full summary and discussion of the excavation and its finds.



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Israel Antiquities Authority




Early Bronze Age I pottery, Early Bronze Age I flint, Early Bronze Age I finds, Early Bronze Age I settlement patterns


Historic Preservation and Conservation | History of Art, Architecture, and Archaeology

Ashqelon Barne‘a: The Early Bronze Age Site : Volume II : The Finds
