Volume 72 (2012)
“The Lord Will Roar from Zion” (Amos 1:2): The Lion as a Divine Attribute on a Jerusalem Seal and Other Hebrew Glyptic Finds from the Western Wall Plaza Excavations (pp. 1*–13*)
Tallay Ornan, Shlomit Weksler-Bdolah, Shua Kisilevitz, and Benjamin Sass
Inscriptions and Incised Potsherds from the Western Wall Plaza Excavations, Jerusalem (Hebrew, pp. 1–12; English summary, pp. 87*–88*)
Daniel Vainstub
The Flint Assemblage from South Ḥorbat Tittora (pp. 25*–32*)
Vladimir Zbenovich
Three Persian-Period Metallic Finger Rings from Burial Cave 2, South Ḥorbat Tittora (pp. 33*–40*)
Baruch Brandl
Late Byzantine Buildings on the Eastern Fringes of Tel Shiqmona (Hebrew, pp. 99–129; English summary, pp. 93*–94*)
Hagit Torge and Uzi ‘Ad
Roman and Byzantine Coins from the Excavation on the Eastern Fringes of Tel Shiqmona (pp. 41*–51*)
Robert Kool
Remains of the Mamluk and Ottoman Periods at Kafr Kanna (pp. 57*–84*)
Hervé Barbé and Anastasia Shapiro
An Ancient Wall Built to Prevent Erosion on the Bank of Naḥal Sha‘al in the Northern ‘Akko Plain (Hebrew, pp. 93–99; English summary, p. 92*)
Nimrod Getzov, Hanaa Abu-‘Uqsa, Noam Greenbaum, Dina Vachtman, and Moshe Inbar