

Download Full Text (23.3 MB)

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Download Chapter 1: Remains of Quarrying Activites Below the Eastern Cardo (5.9 MB)

Download Chapter 2: Glass Finds (1.3 MB)

Download Chapter 3: Glass Finds from the 2017 Excavation Season (854 KB)

Download Chapter 4: Chalk Artifacts (791 KB)

Download Chapter 5: A Flan Mold (249 KB)

Download Chapter 6: Fresco Fragments (696 KB)

Download Chapter 7: Groundstone Objects (457 KB)

Download Chapter 8: Metal Objects (334 KB)

Download Chapter 9: Three Military Bread Stamps (645 KB)

Download Chapter 10: A Military Stamp Impression of the Roman Tenth Region (209 KB)

Download Chapter 11: Faunal Remains (721 KB)

Download Chapter 12: Radiocarbon Dating of the Roman Refuse Dump and the Eastern Cardo (772 KB)

Download Chapter 13: Opus Sectile Tiles (311 KB)

Download Chapter 14: Coins from the 2017–2018 Excavation Seasons (464 KB)

Download Chapter 15: Molluscs (311 KB)

Download Chapter 16: Byzantine Stone Architectural Elements, Furniture and Small Finds (1.4 MB)

Download Appendix 1: List of Loci and Walls (2005–2010 Excavation Season) (500 KB)

Download Appendix 2: List of Selected Loci (2017–2018 Excavation Season) (302 KB)


This volume is the third in a series describing the results of salvage excavations conducted in the northwestern part of the Western Wall Plaza. This third volume presents the small finds of the Early Roman to Byzantine periods, most of which originated in the ‘Roman refuse dump’, a fill deposited into an abandoned quarry during infrastructure work, and then sealed by the paving stones of the Eastern Cardo. The well-preserved and securely dated finds (70–130 CE) can be clearly attributed to the Roman army. The volume describes the numerous quarries at the site that shaped the surface topography, and the rich variety of small finds from the refuse dump and other contexts. The coins and pottery vessels were published in the previous two volumes.



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Israel Antiquities Authority




Roman quarries, Roman road, Cardo, Roman Jerusalem, Roman architecture, Byzantine Jerusalem


Historic Preservation and Conservation | History of Art, Architecture, and Archaeology

Jerusalem: Western Wall Plaza Excavations Volume III The Roman and Byzantine Periods: Small Finds from the Roman Refuse Dump and Other Contexts
