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Download Chapter 20: The Metal Objects from Strata V–1 (893 KB)

Download Appendix 20.1: Study of a Ceramic Crucible from Stratum III (330 KB)

Download Chapter 21: The Bone Objects from Strata V–I (1.9 MB)

Download Chapter 22: The Spindle Whorls from Strata V–I (764 KB)

Download Chapter 23: The Beads and a Pendant from Strata V–I (917 KB)

Download Chapter 24: The Marble Assemblage from Strata V–I (1.1 MB)

Download Chapter 25: The Molluscs from Strata VII–I (712 KB)

Download Appendix 25.1: Chemical and Mineralogical Analyses of a Lump of Red Pigment from Stratum VI (156 KB)

Download Chapter 26: The Faunal Remains from Strata V–I (965 KB)

Download Appendix 26.1: Bone Measurements of Faunal Specimens from Strata V–I (522 KB)

Download Appendix 26.2: Distribution of Identified Bones (NISP) According to Period and Locus (279 KB)

Download Chapter 27: The Fish Remains from Strata V–I (287 KB)

Download Appendix 1: Locus List (1.2 MB)

Download Appendix: Wall List (408 KB)


This volume is the second in a series of final reports presenting the results of the excavations conducted in the Givati Parking Lot, located on the eastern slope of the Tyropoeon Valley in Jerusalem. The site covers an area of c. 0.5 hectares, making it one of the largest excavations in the City of David. This second volume is comprised of three parts, and presents the remains of the Byzantine and Early Islamic periods. The exposure of Byzantine and Early Islamic remains over an extensive area has enabled a reassessment of the nature of the transition between these two periods, and has shed light on numerous aspects of settlement patterns and city planning in both periods, as well as the question of the city’s southern limits in the Early Islamic period. The current Part 3 presents analyses of finds from both the Byzantine and Early Islamic periods.



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Israel Antiquities Authority




Byzantine architecture, Byzantine Jerusalem, Byzantine pottery, Early Islamic Jerusalem, Early Islamic pottery


Historic Preservation and Conservation | History of Art, Architecture, and Archaeology

Jerusalem: Excavations in the Tyropoeon Valley (Givati Parking Lot) Volume II The Byzantine and Early Islamic Periods Part 3: Complementary Studies of Various Finds
