An ephemeral prehistoric site was recovered south of the multi-period settlement of Ḥorbat Ṭurit, in the section between Yasif Junction and the ‘Akko East interchange. The site revealed an archaeological layer on top of sterile terra rosa soil. According to the analysis of the lithic assemblage, the site dates to the Late Pottery Neolithic period. Despite the limited excavated area and the absence of architectural or other constructed elements, the occupation level of the site yielded a significant number of flint artifacts, some pottery and stone tool fragments, as well as a small collection of faunal remains. The excavation results presented in this report add another piece to the puzzle of the distribution of late prehistoric sites recovered within the limits of ‘Akko Plain in the last decades.
Late Pottery Neolithic, ‘Akko plain, flint, ephemeral site, sickle blades, salvage excavations
Recommended Citation
Yegorov, Dmitry and Agha, Nuha
"Ḥorbat Ṭurit (South): A Late Pottery Neolithic Ephemeral Site in the ‘Akko Plain,"
Qadum: Journal of Excavation Reports from Israel: Vol. 1, Article 6.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.70967/3078-8528.1005
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